Porto - Portugal

The MMIPO - Museu e Igreja da Misericórdia do Porto is located in the heart of the historic centre of Ribeira, in the building that was the institution's headquarters from the mid-sixteenth century until 2013.
Over the centuries, the building has undergone several modifications, the most recent being its adaptation to museum functions.
The museum's twofold aim is to explain the history of the Santa Casa da Misericórdia do Porto and its institutional objectives, and to publicise its art collections, making available a range of resources that reflect the organisation's memory and identity, projecting it into the future.
A visit to the museum is also an opportunity to learn more about the past and present of this part of the city.
The museum route includes the Misericórdia church, a sixteenth-century building extensively remodelled in the eighteenth century by Nicolau Nasoni, and the Benefactors' Gallery, an example of the city's iron and glass architecture.
Website : www.mmipo.pt
Facebook : mmipomuseu
Instagram : mmipo_museu