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Drawer to Nantes - France
Artist Drawer
Figurative, Mixed media
Adolie Day

Adolie Day is an illustrator, textile graphic designer and painter.

After graduating from the École Pivaut in graphic design, she began by drawing for Catimini and Kenzo children.

Today, her field of action is vast: publishing, advertising (Nestlé, Monoprix, Freedent, Pom d'Api, etc.), and stationery, where her pin-ups, recognisable among a thousand, are a hit. Her work is regularly exhibited in France and the United States, and she has illustrated "Le Chasseur de papillons" (The Butterfly Hunter), published in 2008.


A polymorphous illustrator, Adolie offers, through her unique style and tone, a unique, light and dreamlike universe. Her style is poetic and modern in all possible creative media.

By expressing her sensitivity and her own vision of the world, Adolie unites a whole generation of women, her contemporaries, her heroines of today and tomorrow.


webSite :
Facebook : profile.php?id=100044286466626
Instagram : adolieday


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