Photographer to Lyon - France

A native of Clermont-Ferrant, Charlène Planche is a self-taught artist in both photography and retouching.
She began taking surrealist photographs after winning a national photography competition for her very first montage.
She began artistic photography during the first confinement, inspired in particular by her travels and her confrontation with other realities, after a course at ENSASE and as a graphic designer.
It's a passion that develops little by little, in the face of all the possibilities offered by digital technology to reshape the reality of photography.
Today, Chalène is pursuing her work as a surrealist photographer through a number of projects and exhibitions, particularly in Lyon.
Charlène plays with people's perception of reality, going beyond it to show the impossible.
She likes to give harmony to her work to form new visual metaphors and inspire emotions in her audience.
The female body and the relationship between oneself and one's body are recurring themes in her work.
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